#My memories of 2022#
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“I feel very lucky to have a friend like you. This precious gift you prepared with care is very valuable to me. “Thank you with all my heart, I love you very much my dear friend.”❤️ “당신 같은 친구가 있어서 정말 행운이라고 생각해요. 정성스럽게 준비해주신 이 소중한 선물은 저에게 너무나 소중합니다. “진심으로 감사합니다. 사랑하는 친구여, 진심으로 사랑합니다.”❤️ #friendships# # # ☘️
I'm so happy. finally my 1st account is back. TX #lesparkteam #LesPark Lover Story#LesPark Lover Story#
No matter how many years pass, we remember. The loss of a loved one is like a major operation. Part of us is removed, and we have a scar for the rest of our lives. As years go by, we manage.
We see a face that looks familiar, hear a voice that echoes, see a photograph in someone’s album, see a landscape that once we saw together, and it seems as though a knife were in the wound again. But not so painfully. And mixed with joy, too.
Because remembering a happy time is not all sorrow,
it brings back happiness with it.
“When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.“
– Kahlil Gibran
#Love Letter# #miss you#Love Letter#My memories of 2022#Love Letter#alone#miss you#LoveWins# #hug# #miss you# #My memories of 2022#
I’m not a fan of Valentine’s Day so Happy Early Happy V-day to all da gurls! ;D shout whenever, I’ll be there runny!🏃
#loveislove# #My memories of 2022#loveislove#love#loveislove#Valentine's Day#